
N.E.T. decided to support the FAI The Italian National Trust – by adhering to the corporate membership program Corporate Golden Donor. Together with FAI, we would like to realize a big protection project and an ambitious cultural challenge: make Italy a more beautiful place to live, work and bring up our children. The natural and cultural Italian heritage, protected and promoted by FAI, represents the most important resource to invest on, in order to develop and promote our beautiful country. Thanks to the help of its many supporters, both private citizens and Companies, FAI has been protecting and managing 56 Italian cultural sites, over the past 40 years: many important historic and artistic settlements had been saved from carelessness, restored, protected and opened to the public.

Every day, FAI is committed to protect and to make accessible all artistic, natural and cultural jewels which are located in the countryside, the cities and the coasts of our beautiful country. Our aim is to educate and sensitize the international community to the knowledge, respect and care for art and nature, to convey the demands of civil society by being actively present on the territory.

We want a more protected beautiful Italy.

We work with FAI to build it.